Want to enhance your career prospects with the Microsoft MCSA certification? This is possible when you pass the 70-742 exam. Start preparing for Microsoft 70-742 exam by Identity with Windows Server 2016 course and lab. The lab is versatile labs simulates real-world, hardware, software & command line interface environments and can be mapped to any text-book, course & training. Identity with Windows Server 2016 cert guide cover all the objectives of 70-742 exam and include topics such as identity and active directory 2016, installing and configuring domain controllers, and much more. The Microsoft MCSA study guide offers hands-on learning of exam topics with its efficient performance-based labs. Hands-on learning increases student engagement by making connections between the classroom and the real world.

The topics covered in the Microsoft MCSA study guide are:
- Managing Certificates
- Configuring Group Policy Setting
- Configuring Group Policy Processing
- Implementing Web Application Proxy
- Configuring Group Policy Preferences
- Creating and Managing Group Policy Objects (GPOs)
- Configuring Service Authentication and Account Policies
- Installing and Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services
- Installing and Configuring Active Directory Federation Services
- Configuring Active Directory in Complex Enterprise Environment
- Installing and Configuring Active Directory Right Management Services
The Microsoft MCSA course offers the following learning resources:
- 59+ Lab
- 7+ Lessons
- 60+ Quizzes
- 1+ Exercises
- 50+ Flashcards
- 2+ Full-length Tests
- 70+ Pre-assessments
- 60+ Post assessments
- 50+ Glossary of Terms
About Microsoft MCSA 70-742 Exam
Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) certification 70-742 exam focuses on the identity functionality in Windows Server 2016. It covers the installation and configuration of Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), in addition to Group Policy implementation for non-Nano Server environments. It also covers functionality such as Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS), Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), and Web Application proxy implementations.
Get complete knowledge about MCSA certification and pass the Microsoft MCSA 70-742 exam with the uCertify course.