The education sector has transformed rapidly in the last few decades, digital technology has played an important role in this. Digital technology has completely revolutionized the way students learn in the classroom.

The classrooms have transformed a lot, the blackboards are replaced by the projectors; technology is helping teachers engage students in a combination of visual and auditory ways. Technology is helping a lot in making the learning procedure more interactive and effective. Students are learning computing skills. Educational apps are playing an important role in encouraging students to get knowledge in fun and interactive ways. As you know that everyone is having mobile phones, therefore, the mobile applications and e-learning websites are the major part that contributes to the educational field. We can say that the “technology is in the palms of the students” as 78% of students have regular access to the mobile phones, 88% of the students use mobile phones to browse the web. Researches show that 43% browse the web exclusively on mobile phones and 73% download institution specific applications on their mobile phones. Using computers and other devices are just the tip of the iceberg; the extensive use of computers and phones encourages better communication and collaboration between teachers and students. Social media is also playing a crucial role in the improving participation of students in the educational field. The social media platforms are used by students for social interactions, 15% are using Instagram, 28% using Twitter, and 67% using Facebook for this purpose. Students can share their opinions on social networks, conduct surveys, create multimedia presentations, attend webinar sessions and discussions with other students from across the globe. Other than social media there are other platforms that are used by students to gain information. Recent surveys have proved that 75% use Wikipedia for research, 17% use databases for the same.
Through continued use in education, students are in the pursuit of correct methods of using technology in a better and responsible way, that can help them in decision-making and encourage self-discipline. Taking all the facts into account we can say that technology has an important role to play in any industry. The use of technology in education will help prepare students for the real-world environment and to help them accelerate their career trajectory. You can enroll in the uCertify cert guide that will help you learn the latest and advanced skills with its 400+ titles. The courses are equipped with 60+ interactive item types that provide hands-on learning with the real-world scenarios.