uCertify has updated its editor area for our authors. Explore them below:

Option for the addition of sequence tag
With this new feature in our editor, authors can easily add the sequence tag. Before this improvement, authors had to write a tag to add the sequence formatting but now they can simply add the sequence formatting with the option available under the Format tab. We have also enhanced the UI according to our new features and fixed modifications as well. The speed is also improved, which will save the time of the author. This new feature also allows you to change the type of sequence formatting. The type can be changed easily to form the drop-down menu. The drop-down has many types of sequence formatting including UC Seq, video player, math player, pdf player, and more.
Code block live layout change
We have updated our code block layout in the editor area. This update gives you an option to edit the code block layout more easily. The new code block layout has four types of formatting. Earlier, the author had to delete the previous formatting to change the layout. Now, this can be easily done with the edit option provided. The new edit option also helps in changing the amount of formatting in the code block. We have also added a duplicate option which allows you to add a new code block. These updated features in the editor area not only enhance authors’ work but also save their time. So, check out these updated features by logging into uCertify!